Queensland Bridge & Civil
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Project Value: $1.0M

Project Duration: 18 weeks

Client: Toowoomba Regional Council

Project Overview

Queensland Bridge and Civil (QBC) were engaged by the Toowoomba Regional Council for the design and construction of a two span concrete bridge on Jondaryan-Evanslea Road, Jondaryan.  This new concrete bridge replaces the existing timber bridge which was demolished as part of this contract.

Project Characteristics

  • QBC have engaged local design firm to perform all design and certification tasks.
  • Traffic management involves the detouring of vehicles onto a client constructed side track.
  • Local geology has allowed the bridge designers to specify an innovative piling solution with the implementation of driven square precast concrete piles.  While providing the necessary design loadings and life to the project these piles also significantly increase site safety during construction.
  • To ensure minimal environmental impact in the waterway Senior Management were engaged in early strategy meetings and provided valuable input into design and construction methods.  This input resulted in all pile driving being successfully driven through the existing bridge.
  • Other bridge componentry includes standard Main Roads PSC deck and kerb units and bridge railings.

Approach earthworks are being constructed by the Client which will require successful interface management to ensure neither organisation is unduly affected

Key Project Objectives

  • A high quality, cost effective, low maintenance bridge which meets the Client’s requirements has been provided.
  • Establish new mutually beneficial relationships with a new Client and endeavour to establish ourselves as a Contractor of Choice.