Project Value: $1.6M
Project Duration: February 2011 - July 2011
Client: Department of Transport & Main Roads
Project Overview
The project involves the construction of approximately 3 km of shoulder widening and general safety improvements along the Bruce Highway approximately 90 km North of Rockhampton.
Project Characteristics
- Construction activities on the National Highway network to be constructed under traffic with a high percentage of heavy vehicles.
- 12450m2 of shoulder bitumen sealing.
- Construction of truck parking bays as part of the Federally Funded truck safety initiative.
- Extensive clear zone clearing.
- Drainage.
- 680m of guardrail upgrade to existing bridge connection.
Key Project Outcomes
This project is essentially about establishing good workable traffic management practises while ensuring significant daily production rates can be achieved and that the highway is made safe at that the completion of each day’s work.